Sign Up/Login

Créé le 12 Octobre, 2021Documentation in English • 1,817 vues • Lire 1 minutes

Documentation about Sign Up/Login on the website.

Create an account 

  • Click on Create an account 
  • By entering your full name and then your email address* (that you would like to receive an email as well as confirmation emails.) Then put the password you prefer* (We recommend you put a Strong password). 
  • Or you can also create an account by clicking on the Facebook login. 
  • Make sure you check the small box of Terms and Conditions. 
  • And then go ahead and click on the register button.

☆ At this point, your account has been created but has not been activated. To get your account activated, check the email with which you have made an account. 


You will receive a confirmation mail to activate your account. Click on the link that has been given in the mail to validate the account and log in. Now your account has been activated. 



  • The next step after you create an account is to sign in. You can easily sign in your email and password used to create your account. 
  • You can also click on the small box “Remember me”, this will help to make your connection easier and you can get to your dashboard easily. 


★     If you forgot your password you can click on “Lost password/ Resend activation” so you can access your account again.